Seaton Hackney Stables
IEA Team

Interested in Showing?
Join Our IEA Show Team
The Interscholastic Equestrian Association (IEA) is a national organization that works with riding stables throughout the country to promote and improve the quality of equestrian competition and instruction to young equestrian riders.
This program provides opportunities for team-members to travel to off-site shows, make new, friends, improve their riding skills and gauge their horsemanship progress. It’s also a wonderful way to improve self-esteem and self-confidence for our young school-aged riders.
Benefit to Riders
As part of the IEA Team at Seaton Hackney Stables, riders will learn a set minimum standards for competition through safe riding instruction and competition and education on matters related to equestrian sport at the middle and secondary school levels (primarily ages 9 through 18).
Additionally, IEA Team members have the opportunity to earn scholarships toward their college education through awards in competition and through sportsmanship activities. Riders will become part of a social and competitive team that works together toward a common goal, cheering each other on as they work toward individual achievements at each show through out the season.
IEA shows are held throughout the region. Show classes are offered in four ability levels: beginner, novice, intermediate, open. Riders in grades 4-8 are eligible for Middle School Teams while riders in grade 9-12 compete at the High School level. Points are tracked for individual rider accomplishments AND for overall, team accomplishments. Individuals and teams earn points to qualify for regional, zone and national finals.
Teams take turns hosting horse shows throughout the season. Students ride horses that are furnished by the host barn and chosen by random draw. The use of personal tack is not allowed and limited schooling is permitted. This equalizes competition variables and tests the horsemanship of the contestants.
The competition season starts August 1st and ends at the National Finals in late spring / early summer.
Get Involved
Ask your Instructor or the Office Administrators how you can become a member of a Team that holds team spirit, dedication, support for one another and a passion for everything equine as their core value system.
How do I join?
Interested riders should ask their Instructor if they are a good candidate for this year’s team. Riders from 4th grade and up are eligible, but space is limited so don’t delay in inquiring.
Accepted team members ride three times week at Seaton Hackney Stables with SHS Instructors under the guidance of Gillian Barta, our Head IEA Coach, and will be assigned different horses to ride.
Team members participate in at least five shows throughout the IEA season. The season extends for qualifying members for further competition at the Zone and National levels. All this at a very reasonable monthly IEA Team rate.
Team events and activities are all part of the deal, including participation with Team fundraisers for an all-inclusive program.