Friends of Seaton Hackney LLC

501 (c)(3) Charity

Our mission is to provide equine assisted therapy for individuals with special needs and to help improve their physical, emotional and mental well-being, resulting in better social integration.  Join us in making a difference in the lives of riders with special needs. Together, we can create a more inclusive and supportive environment, ensuring that everyone has the opportunity to experience the benefits of therapeutic riding and therapeutic equine ground experiences.

Friends of Seaton Hackney Inc. is seeking donations and fundraising for:

1. Acquire New Therapeutic Riding Equipment:

Purchase specialized therapeutic saddles designed to support riders with varying needs. Acquire bareback pads that offer comfort and security for riders during sessions.

2. Expand Our Program with a New Therapeutic Horse:

As our program grows, we need to introduce an additional therapeutic horses that can cater to the diverse needs of our riders, ensuring everyone has the opportunity to benefit from equine therapy. As well as providing for a humane and peaceful retirement for the horses no longer able to be used for the Therapeutic program.

Friends of Seaton Hackney INC. is a registered 501(c)(3) non profit public charity.

Charitable donations are tax deductible.

Organizations and individuals interested in contributing to Friends of Seaton Hackney please click the link or scan the QR code below.

   My daughter Leslie has Rett’s Syndrome, a progressive condition causing regression of all motor and verbal skills. Leslie is a beautiful soul locked inside of her own body. Although unable to communicate, it’s obvious from the smile on her face how much she loves and thrives beingaround horses. Leslie joined Seaton Hackney Stables Therapeutic Program a year ago, and every time she is with the horses her face lights up. Her interaction and love of the horses is mutual as they give the love she deserves right back. The benefits of her therapeutic sessions are priceless, and we would like to spread this amazing experience to others like Leslie.

We ask you to lend your support to Friends of Seaton Hackney INC. 501(c)(3) through our fundraiser. Their mission is to provide safe and fun riding lessons that promote physical, emotional, and social development while putting a smile on every kid’s face!  All proceeds go to Friends of Seaton Hackney, Inc., an NPO 501(c)(3) Charity dedicated to providing equine assisted therapy for helping riders with special needs.


1. To acquire New Therapeutic Riding Equipment:

– Therapeutic saddles designed to support riders with varying needs.

– Bareback pads that offer comfort and security for riders unable to use a saddle. 

– Adaptive riding aids such as special reins, bridles, stirrups and handles

2. To expand their program with an additional therapy horse:As their program grows, adding another horse can cater to the diverse needs of their riders,ensuring that more deserving children have the opportunity to benefit from equine therapy.

Together We Can Make A Difference!